Summerfest Tom Petty Concert
When we purchased the tickets for this concert, Chris, Sammy, Gabby and I were all at work. Through the art of texting, the girls and...

Floating Watermelon Pool Toy
Did you know that watermelon float? I learned about this at our family reunion three years ago. Brother Greg hosted the watermelon...

July 4th Fun
Our festivities for the July 4th weekend certainly included lounging at Nana and Papa's pool. The in-laws are in Florida at their second...

Golf Lessons
Sammy at the age of 26 has decided to join Chris and me on the golf course. We started with golf lessons with our favorite pro, Phil...

Memphis wedding
When our dear friends, Boof and Liz Loder, told us that their daughter Katie was getting married over Memorial Day, we were in. Granted,...