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July 4th Fun

Our festivities for the July 4th weekend certainly included lounging at Nana and Papa's pool. The in-laws are in Florida at their second home, so we took over the house and backyard for the weekend. Swimming is a great exercise for anyone, but the resistance of the water is great for Parkinson's since most of my muscles are used. I never swim without a pool noodle or raft. I want to feel secure in the water without fear of a leg/foot cramps that are part of my condition.

Sammy increased the number of pool toys with the addition of the inflatable doughnut. I created the name, Jimmy, since the doughnut is covered with candy jimmies. My niece, Siena, confiscated the doughnut and had great fund swimming with the cousins. Siena used to call them "your cousins", since that is the verbage that we used when speaking to her about them.

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