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With Age Comes Wisdom, but without Wisdom Teeth

I was called to duty when Gabby, my 24 year old daughter, made her appointment to have her wisdom teeth pulled on Friday, July 27. As the parent, I drove her to her appointment and stayed to drive her home. It was interesting that when Gabby checked in at the dental office, I was "asked" or confirmed that I would stay and drive her home.

I was able to just be a mom and Parkinson's did not impact my ability to support my daughter. Gabby was quite entertaining while she still had the effects of the medications. I repeated her silly comments after she was at home resting. One of the comments was, "Well at least I am alive. As you know, people die from common surgeries everyday, just look on the Internet."

While there are no photos of this experience, trust me, it was actually enjoyable! Gabby's recovery was typical and she was adamant about using the ice bags and resting. After spending three days together it was hard to drive her back to her apartment. I sent her home with lots of soft food and she returned to work on Monday.

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