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Bowling Badly for a Cause

My colleagues and I took part in a bowling fundraiser for Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Washington County. Since I haven't bowled in over 25 years, I was skeptical about being able to bowl well and I lived up to that thought! The evening was really fun, even though I had two frames with zero points in the first of two games. I also had two strikes in that same game! While my score was slightly near my age, I improved in the second game.

Parkinson's did impact my bowling since I had challenges with maintaining my balance with the extra weight on one side of my body. I also scored better with the lightest ball, which happened to be pink and was dented and scraped. While I hate to blame the bowling ball, I accepted my low score with pride and was thankful that my team took part in the fundraiser that is another way to support our students. Thanks Matt for making it happen!

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